Version History
Genesis Modification
Genesis 2.2
Genesis 2.2.22 (February 10, 2025) :
New features :
• Added Kml/Kmz importation
Genesis 2.2.20 (January 29, 2025) :
New features :
• New 3D ellipsoid creation/edition
• Added a button to open the manual
• Added an info in the properties of each charts for the data source used
• New functionality in the custom table to extract data by a field
• Added a tag field in the block model
• Added a warning when creating a block model when the envelope used is not 100% in the grid
• Added the commodity in the title of QAQC charts
• Added patch note information when updating Genesis
• Added a blank report in the QAQC charts
• It is now possible to add waste in a bm
• Added waste variable density in pit optimization
• Added dxf line type 2D AcDbPolyline importation
Corrections :
• The capping expert charts could crash
• The check for update button was not working well
• After creating a new file and importing data, button to display assay/lithology etc was still not usable
• Dialog list, copying multiple element in a subfolder did not work correctly
• The result of the stope optimizer could shift the columns
Genesis 2.2.19 (December 11, 2024) :
New features :
• Added an option for classification smoothing.
• In stopes optimizer, the thickness of the stopes is now variable.
• The stopes optimizer can use real stope volumes.
• The stopes optimizer can produce 4D.
• New naive sample selection (all combinations)
Corrections :
• Fixed several bugs in composite subsets.
• The database status always showed 0 deviation.
• The stopes optimizer was no longer available.
Genesis 2.18 (December 02, 2024) :
New features :
• New licensing mode that does not require a physical dongle.
• Ability to transform a bm into 2D, generates composites with average content and thickness.
• Added generation of standard global variables (avg, dev, perc).
• Added ability to filter composite subsets by global variables.
• Added a mode for creating disjointed stopes.
Corrections :
• Exporting “average” in composites could crash.
• Composite subsets were saving unnecessary data.
• Deleting a folder was slow in list dialogs.
• The number of composites in the ribbon might not be correct.
• Fixed multiple bugs in stopes optimization.
Genesis 2.17 (October 30, 2024) :
New features :
• Importing dxf with AcdbPolyface, which usually contains thousand of volume, now ask to import in one envelope or all separated.
• When having a lot of envelope in the envelope list, the dialog was very slow
• Generating pairs for variograms is now generally faster.
• When automatically snapping mineralized intervals, added to the log the count of intervals still not snapped.
• Added length in the export composite weight option.
• Exporting standard deviation in composites.
• New mode for editing virtual intervals and triangles in implicit envelopes.
• Production of new composite subsets during sample selection.
• Stopes optimization with best fit.
• It is now possible to select points in a scattergram to apply a tag (Shift + Left click and drag a square).
Corrections :
• If a variogram directions generated 0 pairs, then it was always trying to regenerate the pairs.
• The “compute fraction fast” always said that the envelope was pierced.
• The “forced samples” in the sample selection was not working.
• Export Bm SubBlocks did not work well when exporting multiple bm at the same time.
• Changing color of bookmarks was crashing.
• Variograms dynamic lag change could crash or display incorrectly in the variogram chart.
• Boolean operation was causing memory leak.
• The column matching dialog could be slow to display when having lots of hole with structure.
• File->View on objects to view their data was sometime exporting with scientific notation, and excel was misinterpreting these. Now export in decimals.
• 3D Grid position was not always set correctly.
Genesis 2.2.16 (September 26, 2024)
New features :
- QAQC Z Score chart: Can now display the points in color based on the standard name
- QAQC Z Score Chart: Now display the sample number on the X axis
- It is now possible to add variable in the schema when importing file directly in the column matching dialog
- Export/Import planned hole: added the associated surface for easier importation
- Genesis update will not require admin right anymore. This require updating with Genesis when asked to update.
- Added option to remove the blue rectangle on displayed section when there is an image displayed on that section
- In Sample selection, the space classes and tag classes now use subset to create classes
- Added the creation and exportation of special variables in the composites (SCI,BCT)
Corrections :
- Clear classification of multiple block model was not redrawing all the block model
- Modifying assays schema was not updating correctly the global schema
- Export to accdb was crashing if extension was not specified in the file name
- Image mapping in section was not working with VTK
- Object selection was slow when there was a lot of variable in the global schema
- 3D composites with white color in the color table was not displayed invisible
- The spline border in the implicit envelope was not working correctly
Genesis 2.2.14 (August 28, 2024) :
New features :
- New sample selection by spatial classes
- New mode in sample selection to force class size
- The snap mid and distance only worked in projected coordinates
- Added error messages and progress for conditional simulation
- Added a capping chart in the capping expert
Corrections :
- Combination bug in samples selection
- Bug in spatial filter of sample selection
- Using variable ellipsoid could generate the message “No defined ellipsoid”
- Conditional simulation no longer worked
- Genesis could crash on opening
- The color of 3D collar for planned hole was always black or white
Genesis 2.2.12 (July 18, 2024) :
New features :
- It is now possible to generate best fit section in the dialog list of hole and envelope.
- New space metric filter for sample selection.
Corrections :
- The hole names was sometime not displayed correctly.
- Resnap all on a prism was not updating the prism display.
- The calculated variable was extremely slow.
- Contact analysis did not work with lithology in another level than 0.
Genesis 2.2.11 (July 9, 2024) :
New Features :
- Added a dialog list for bookmarks.
- It is now possible to snap a bookmark and get the information of the snapped object.
- It is now possible to modify the dictionary order of multiple element at the same time.
- Added stats chart for contact analysis (remake of the older contact analysis in Geostat).
- The prism shadow mode is now implemented with VTK.
- New widgets in implicit envelope edition.
Corrections :
- Import holes could delete custom table content.
- Display of envelope could sometime crash with VTK.
- Crash when importing a volume dxf as a surface.
Genesis 2.2.10 (June 13, 2024) :
Corrections :
- Block model could crash when displayed
- Create copy of a multifolder blockmodel view now generate a normal block model instead of a multifolder block model
- Adding Block model predefined variable named “tag_view” is now named “Tag” to be more consistent
Genesis 2.2.9 (June 13, 2024) :
New Features
- Added an option to fix the 3D grid to the global grid of the block model.
- Added option to display block model grid in cube mode with transparency.
- Added a sub-block block model export mode.
- New pickers/widgets software architecture.
Corrections :
- The coordinates of the axes of the 3D grid no longer appear one on top of the other.
- Planar “Set Geoline by tag” did not work if the geolines are not in the root.
- Variable ellipsoid creation by block model did not work on a multifolder view.
Genesis 2.2.8 (May 30, 2024) :
New Features
- Added display options for the 3D Grid
Corrections :
- Measuring Distance in Spin inside a section, the distance text was not displayed correctly
- Ctrl + mouse wheel to change corridor, the corridor was sometime not changing correctly
- Charts scattergram was not displaying correctly
- Importing Holes with deviation azimuth not between 0 and 360 was causing problem displaying hole
- Create screenshot with a scale > 1, the grid text was not correct size
Genesis 2.2.6 (May 13, 2024) :
New Features
- It is now possible to export multiple custom table at the same time
- Trace size factor can now also apply on hole trace
- Printing drill hole log can now print in separated pdf by hole name
- Added transparency settings in variograms 3D display
- Improved Bm comparison charts caption
- Surface slicing now result a Geoline instead of a prism
Corrections :
- Create intervals missing from envelope did not work correctly
- Report planar properties, the column was not aligned correctly
- When setting the perspective mode, it was not possible to set it back to orthogonal
- Fix some overlapping with grid, section text, scale bar and orientation arrows
- Variograms 3D display was not correctly drawing the first triangle, leading to some weird color blending
- Importing block model multifolder was regenerating the block model before importing which can cause huge loss of time.
- Creating new block model using schema from another bm, might not fill the tag and set the fraction in the correct fraction variable
- Bm displayed in marker could not be set invisible
- Scattergram color by variable might not be displayed correctly
- Sections border display when spinning was not displaying properly
- Mineralized Intervals displayed with transparency did not stay transparent when editing them
Genesis 2.2.5 (May 1, 2024) :
New Features
- Added properties for 3D Grid wall
Corrections :
- Variograms step could be irregular in the charts
- Distance could crash
- Printing drill hole log was not printing lithologies that had no corresponding assays
Genesis 2.2.4 (May 1, 2024) :
New Features
- Added Scale bar settings for width, height and removed text font size limitation
Corrections :
- Deleting block model variable was crashing
- Importation of text file was limited to 4096 characters for a line and was going to an endless loop when reaching the limit. Now limited to 8192.
- Displaying Text in VTK is now much faster to draw and the Show/Hide toggle is also much faster
- White color for invisible when displaying blocks model was not setting the blocks invisible in VTK
Genesis 2.2.3 (April 26, 2024) :
New Features
- Added a button to save or reset the lighting settings.
- Added PBR (Physical Based Rendering) Shading option.
- Wall, floor and ceiling in 3D grid.
Corrections :
- Show/Hide Envelope was still a bit slow.
- First time to display Bm on section, it was not cut by the section.
- Create or delete mineralized Intervals in 3D could crash or have display problem.
- Added Specular and PBR lighting settings.
- Shaded and wire envelope display caused Z-Fighting issue.
Genesis 2.2.2 (April 17, 2024) :
- Added Brightness setting in VTK
Corrections :
- VTK:
- Show/Hide Object was slow, Normals were always recalculated
- Selecting 3D hole object was difficult
- 3D Hole did not appear correctly when zooming out
- Scale now start at 0 and is better positioned to not overlap the grid
- Pressing escape while displaying a block model was crashing
- Composites 3D was not displayed
- Z Scale:
- New displayed object was not drawn with the current z scale
- Measure Distance did not work correctly
- The grid was not displayed correctly
- The displayed coord for the mouse position was not correct
- Implicit envelope volume calculation could crash
Genesis 2.2.1 (April 8, 2024) :
- It is now possible to view the bookmark list
Corrections :
- Fix chart lines that separate the charts was still displayed when setting a chart to full screen
- Fix import matching column file preview box size was sometime changing
- It was not possible to set the xyz icon invisible
- It was very slow to select lots of composites set in the list window
- VTK Engine Corrections:
- Hidden surface was not implemented in VTK
- Hidden surface was disabled for hole object, there was no depth effect.
- 3D size of hole was 10 time too big
- Geoline display could crashed when turned on
Genesis 2.2 (March 28, 2024) :
- New graphic engine VTK
Corrections :
- The maxflow pit optimization can create false external pit.
- The samples selection post-filters don’t work.
Genesis 2.2.18 (December 02, 2024) :
New features :
• New licensing mode that does not require a physical dongle.
• Ability to transform a bm into 2D, generates composites with average content and thickness.
• Added generation of standard global variables (avg, dev, perc).
• Added ability to filter composite subsets by global variables.
• Added a mode for creating disjointed stopes.
Corrections :
• Exporting “average” in composites could crash.
• Composite subsets were saving unnecessary data.
• Deleting a folder was slow in list dialogs.
• The number of composites in the ribbon might not be correct.
• Fixed multiple bugs in stopes optimization.
Genesis 2.18 (December 02, 2024) :
New features :
• New licensing mode that does not require a physical dongle.
• Ability to transform a bm into 2D, generates composites with average content and thickness.
• Added generation of standard global variables (avg, dev, perc).
• Added ability to filter composite subsets by global variables.
• Added a mode for creating disjointed stopes.
Corrections :
• Exporting “average” in composites could crash.
• Composite subsets were saving unnecessary data.
• Deleting a folder was slow in list dialogs.
• The number of composites in the ribbon might not be correct.
• Fixed multiple bugs in stopes optimization.
Genesis 2.17 (October 30, 2024) :
New features :
• Importing dxf with AcdbPolyface, which usually contains thousand of volume, now ask to import in one envelope or all separated.
• When having a lot of envelope in the envelope list, the dialog was very slow
• Generating pairs for variograms is now generally faster.
• When automatically snapping mineralized intervals, added to the log the count of intervals still not snapped.
• Added length in the export composite weight option.
• Exporting standard deviation in composites.
• New mode for editing virtual intervals and triangles in implicit envelopes.
• Production of new composite subsets during sample selection.
• Stopes optimization with best fit.
• It is now possible to select points in a scattergram to apply a tag (Shift + Left click and drag a square).
Corrections :
• If a variogram directions generated 0 pairs, then it was always trying to regenerate the pairs.
• The “compute fraction fast” always said that the envelope was pierced.
• The “forced samples” in the sample selection was not working.
• Export Bm SubBlocks did not work well when exporting multiple bm at the same time.
• Changing color of bookmarks was crashing.
• Variograms dynamic lag change could crash or display incorrectly in the variogram chart.
• Boolean operation was causing memory leak.
• The column matching dialog could be slow to display when having lots of hole with structure.
• File->View on objects to view their data was sometime exporting with scientific notation, and excel was misinterpreting these. Now export in decimals.
• 3D Grid position was not always set correctly.
Genesis 2.2.16 (September 26, 2024)
New features :
- QAQC Z Score chart: Can now display the points in color based on the standard name
- QAQC Z Score Chart: Now display the sample number on the X axis
- It is now possible to add variable in the schema when importing file directly in the column matching dialog
- Export/Import planned hole: added the associated surface for easier importation
- Genesis update will not require admin right anymore. This require updating with Genesis when asked to update.
- Added option to remove the blue rectangle on displayed section when there is an image displayed on that section
- In Sample selection, the space classes and tag classes now use subset to create classes
- Added the creation and exportation of special variables in the composites (SCI,BCT)
Corrections :
- Clear classification of multiple block model was not redrawing all the block model
- Modifying assays schema was not updating correctly the global schema
- Export to accdb was crashing if extension was not specified in the file name
- Image mapping in section was not working with VTK
- Object selection was slow when there was a lot of variable in the global schema
- 3D composites with white color in the color table was not displayed invisible
- The spline border in the implicit envelope was not working correctly
Genesis 2.2.14 (August 28, 2024) :
New features :
- New sample selection by spatial classes
- New mode in sample selection to force class size
- The snap mid and distance only worked in projected coordinates
- Added error messages and progress for conditional simulation
- Added a capping chart in the capping expert
Corrections :
- Combination bug in samples selection
- Bug in spatial filter of sample selection
- Using variable ellipsoid could generate the message “No defined ellipsoid”
- Conditional simulation no longer worked
- Genesis could crash on opening
- The color of 3D collar for planned hole was always black or white
Genesis 2.2.12 (July 18, 2024) :
New features :
- It is now possible to generate best fit section in the dialog list of hole and envelope.
- New space metric filter for sample selection.
Corrections :
- The hole names was sometime not displayed correctly.
- Resnap all on a prism was not updating the prism display.
- The calculated variable was extremely slow.
- Contact analysis did not work with lithology in another level than 0.
Genesis 2.2.11 (July 9, 2024) :
New Features :
- Added a dialog list for bookmarks.
- It is now possible to snap a bookmark and get the information of the snapped object.
- It is now possible to modify the dictionary order of multiple element at the same time.
- Added stats chart for contact analysis (remake of the older contact analysis in Geostat).
- The prism shadow mode is now implemented with VTK.
- New widgets in implicit envelope edition.
Corrections :
- Import holes could delete custom table content.
- Display of envelope could sometime crash with VTK.
- Crash when importing a volume dxf as a surface.
Genesis 2.2.10 (June 13, 2024) :
Corrections :
- Block model could crash when displayed
- Create copy of a multifolder blockmodel view now generate a normal block model instead of a multifolder block model
- Adding Block model predefined variable named “tag_view” is now named “Tag” to be more consistent
Genesis 2.2.9 (June 13, 2024) :
New Features
- Added an option to fix the 3D grid to the global grid of the block model.
- Added option to display block model grid in cube mode with transparency.
- Added a sub-block block model export mode.
- New pickers/widgets software architecture.
Corrections :
- The coordinates of the axes of the 3D grid no longer appear one on top of the other.
- Planar “Set Geoline by tag” did not work if the geolines are not in the root.
- Variable ellipsoid creation by block model did not work on a multifolder view.
Genesis 2.2.8 (May 30, 2024) :
New Features
- Added display options for the 3D Grid
Corrections :
- Measuring Distance in Spin inside a section, the distance text was not displayed correctly
- Ctrl + mouse wheel to change corridor, the corridor was sometime not changing correctly
- Charts scattergram was not displaying correctly
- Importing Holes with deviation azimuth not between 0 and 360 was causing problem displaying hole
- Create screenshot with a scale > 1, the grid text was not correct size
Genesis 2.2.6 (May 13, 2024) :
New Features
- It is now possible to export multiple custom table at the same time
- Trace size factor can now also apply on hole trace
- Printing drill hole log can now print in separated pdf by hole name
- Added transparency settings in variograms 3D display
- Improved Bm comparison charts caption
- Surface slicing now result a Geoline instead of a prism
Corrections :
- Create intervals missing from envelope did not work correctly
- Report planar properties, the column was not aligned correctly
- When setting the perspective mode, it was not possible to set it back to orthogonal
- Fix some overlapping with grid, section text, scale bar and orientation arrows
- Variograms 3D display was not correctly drawing the first triangle, leading to some weird color blending
- Importing block model multifolder was regenerating the block model before importing which can cause huge loss of time.
- Creating new block model using schema from another bm, might not fill the tag and set the fraction in the correct fraction variable
- Bm displayed in marker could not be set invisible
- Scattergram color by variable might not be displayed correctly
- Sections border display when spinning was not displaying properly
- Mineralized Intervals displayed with transparency did not stay transparent when editing them
Genesis 2.2.5 (May 1, 2024) :
New Features
- Added properties for 3D Grid wall
Corrections :
- Variograms step could be irregular in the charts
- Distance could crash
- Printing drill hole log was not printing lithologies that had no corresponding assays
Genesis 2.2.4 (May 1, 2024) :
New Features
- Added Scale bar settings for width, height and removed text font size limitation
Corrections :
- Deleting block model variable was crashing
- Importation of text file was limited to 4096 characters for a line and was going to an endless loop when reaching the limit. Now limited to 8192.
- Displaying Text in VTK is now much faster to draw and the Show/Hide toggle is also much faster
- White color for invisible when displaying blocks model was not setting the blocks invisible in VTK
Genesis 2.2.3 (April 26, 2024) :
New Features
- Added a button to save or reset the lighting settings.
- Added PBR (Physical Based Rendering) Shading option.
- Wall, floor and ceiling in 3D grid.
Corrections :
- Show/Hide Envelope was still a bit slow.
- First time to display Bm on section, it was not cut by the section.
- Create or delete mineralized Intervals in 3D could crash or have display problem.
- Added Specular and PBR lighting settings.
- Shaded and wire envelope display caused Z-Fighting issue.
Genesis 2.2.2 (April 17, 2024) :
- Added Brightness setting in VTK
Corrections :
- VTK:
- Show/Hide Object was slow, Normals were always recalculated
- Selecting 3D hole object was difficult
- 3D Hole did not appear correctly when zooming out
- Scale now start at 0 and is better positioned to not overlap the grid
- Pressing escape while displaying a block model was crashing
- Composites 3D was not displayed
- Z Scale:
- New displayed object was not drawn with the current z scale
- Measure Distance did not work correctly
- The grid was not displayed correctly
- The displayed coord for the mouse position was not correct
- Implicit envelope volume calculation could crash
Genesis 2.2.1 (April 8, 2024) :
- It is now possible to view the bookmark list
Corrections :
- Fix chart lines that separate the charts was still displayed when setting a chart to full screen
- Fix import matching column file preview box size was sometime changing
- It was not possible to set the xyz icon invisible
- It was very slow to select lots of composites set in the list window
- VTK Engine Corrections:
- Hidden surface was not implemented in VTK
- Hidden surface was disabled for hole object, there was no depth effect.
- 3D size of hole was 10 time too big
- Geoline display could crashed when turned on
Genesis 2.2 (March 28, 2024) :
- New graphic engine VTK
Corrections :
- The maxflow pit optimization can create false external pit.
- The samples selection post-filters don’t work.
Genesis 2.1
New Features
- Possibility of adding the Z of a topo to each block.
- The create copy function on a CadObject might not work.
- The stoppes optimizer could crash.
New Features
- Selection can now work when there is vertical exaggeration
- It is now possible to automate envelope subtractions.
- Mineralized intervals were not
displayed as spheres.
- Zoom all did not work in
certain cases.
Fixed Grid Display not showing
New Features
- It is now possible to change the mineralized interval set of many planar envelope
- It is now possible to select multiple charts to change their properties
- Added a keyboard shortcut to open the chart window: Ctrl+U
- Fix a crash when creating automatic dictionary using a mineralized interval set in a subfolder
- The dictionary legend did not appear in the WYSIWYG
- The schema list did not refresh correctly when adding a new predefined variable in the block model schema
- Charts histogram could crash in rare case
- It was not possible to add comments in the Hole list when using optional column
- The creation of a new file could crash if we had another file opened and said yes to save it.
New Features
• It is now possible to spline the implicit envelope contour
• Added an error message if there is a problem generating the block fraction using the fast method
• It is now possible to modify hole trace color
• Updated Geotic Importation
• It is now possible to transform a prism in GeoLine
• DXF Line importation can now import AcdbLine
• When importing surface dxf, if the dxf does not contain triangle, lines and points will be imported and triangulated
• Text field in the schema now have their default value to empty instead of -1
• The operation remove empty holes in the enveloppes did not work correctly
• Pit Optimization limit did not always worked correctly
• Generation time for hole envelopes was too slow
New Features
• Added a dialog to control the skin iteration when creating skin envelope
• The logger can now save image directly in the database
• The mid distance in the envelope creation with empty holes is improved
• When merging two mineralized intervals, the tag was not kept
• Improved triangulation for implicit envelope
• Improve automatic creation of border for implicit envelope
New Features
• Added support for polyface when importing dxf envelope
• Hole name from logger was showing even when the collar table was invisible
• Temporary key did not work properly with the new web server
• After importing holes, the zoom extent could says extent are too big and it was the case.
New Features :
• It is now possible to display dates in QAQC charts
• Added a Drill Hole Log Report in the logger
• Added custom legends in docking panel for custom tables.
• Column Matching interface improved to better manage multiple file importation
• Removing Noise from Pit Optimization is much faster
• The envelope creation with empty holes is now doing a real geometric mid-distance
Corrections :
• The reading buffer was crashing with the new web hosting server
• The RQDS color table did not work properly
• Genesis crashed when modifying hole name
• The operation “Merge with last selected” is now not trying to combine with itself when we
select twice the same interval.
• The “left handed mode” for the mouse was not working in the column matching dialog
• The importation of envelope with special character was not working
• The parameter of dialog could crash with “ and ‘
• The update of implicit envelope was not using intervals without hole
Corrections :
• The calculation from the last deviation to the end of hole could be wrong.
New Features :
• Can now add an including or excluding prism in the pit optimization
• The stripping ratio report can now generate the waste volume automatically.
• The block model extraction by envelope is now faster
• The column matching dialog was redone to fix big memory leak problem
• Volume calculation improved
Corrections :
• The invisible hole was not included in the validation
• The block model was sometime redrawn when it was not necessary
• The importation of tables could crash when there was a calculated variable in the table
• The removing noise of the pit optimization was extremely slow
• Improved slicing volume calculation for multiple volume in the same envelope
• Opening a file in a folder with special character was crashing
New Features :
• In the plan (wysiwyg or profile) it is now possible to print histogram or curve along hole trace
• In the importation validation, the repetitive information on deviation at 0 and same information on collar is now removed
• In the importation validation, when data goes past the hole length, the information of the hole length before it is adjusted is displayed
Corrections :
• Importation with append only could crash
• The 3D display of Hole Collar did not work properly
Corrections :
• The window with variography components was not redrawn correctly
• The variograms was crashing when the caption was different then the variable name
• The reimportation of logger table was crashing if no table was defined
• The remeshing parameter did not work
New Features :
• Edition of rotation of the extension of the border of implicit envelope
• Added the symbols used in the variograms charts legend
• Added new symbols in the variograms charts
• It is now possible to have lag increment with decimal
• Added logger data in statistical charts
Corrections :
• Fixed unique pair creation for some case where not the correct pairs were created
• Changing logger hole color was not redrawing the holes
• Setting a hole invisible did not work
• The sorting of sections was not working well for sections in the root folder
• The creation of a hole section with a dip of zero was not working correctly
• The columns in the mineralized intervals selection list was incorrect
• The importation of pairs in variograms was crashing
New Features :
• Added a validation to check for prism integrity when linking prism with link all tag
• Added an operation “Set variable value” in the logger menu
Corrections :
• The section list did not show the folder correctly when there was sub-folder in the list
• Hole Name did not redraw when changing the position or size
• The extraction of mineralized interval by envelope exact did not work well if an interval was snapped on
the envelope but not actually crossing it
• The slicing on a section could not work properly
• The retriangulation of implicit envelope is improved
New Features :
• Logger, the dictionary field can now search for an item
• The deviation now has a field to set the deviation active or not
• The resource report can now display a warning when there is negative density found
• It is now possible to import assays certificate into the logger
• New triangulation for implicit model
Corrections :
• Logger, the table was not in the order defined by the schema
• Logger, Display 3D was using inactive deviation
• The structure was not set invisible when color was set white (Invisible)
• Save as could crash
• Planar envelope, the option “remove empty hole, was applied even when in manual prism mode
• Bm, the automatic creation of views could generate trailing 0 in the name
• The color for the 3D composites was not correct
New Features :
• The 3D composites are now displayed as sphere
• Added the functionality to project collar points on a surface
• Added 3D display of logger tables
• It is now possible to import tables with the option append and/or overwrite
• Added a button to get to the logger dictionary
• Added the possibility to import a schema from a CSV
• Fast edition mode for implicit envelope
Corrections :
• The intervals creation by cut off could generate non optimal intervals
• Bm, The fast creation method could be very slow and create wrong fraction
• Logger, Text field were limited to 255 characters
• Logger, Boolean field became long field after importing data
• Logger, the table validation before changing table was sometime falsely reporting change
• The assays were always redrawn, even if not necessary
• Sections in the section panel were not sorted correctly when there was a number in the folder name
• Corrections and improvement in hole importation
• Updated library for logger and implicit envelope
New Features :
• New edition mode for implicit envelope
• It is now possible to modify the position of bookmarks in their property
• Can now import a schema from a CSV
• Logger: Combo now popup directly when they have focus with tAB
• Logger: New section with user defined shortcut button to get to different table easily
• Logger: now open to the last edited table/hole
• Logger: it is now possible to close a hole so it cannot be changed anymore
• Logger: Added live validation to data, cell can become red with a error tooltip if there is a problem
• Logger: Added a warning if data were changed and not saved before closing or changing window
New Features:
• Stope optimizer is now faster
Corrections :
• The stope optimizer did not copy value in the final model
• Renaming an envelope could generate a fatal error
• Adding predefined variable when importing block model did not work properly
• Logger: keyboard shortcut in description field did not work
• Logger: Date field did not work properly
• Logger: Could generate a fatal error if not entering correct data type in a text field
• Logger: when selecting a hole in the table, some data were not updated
New Features:
• Logger: It is now possible ot modify the default value of a field
• Logger: Added calculated field
• Improved resolution of the real size cursor
Corrections :
• The importation of holes could set holes invisible and without color by default
• Using viewport was causing the application to crash
• The real size cursor in the viewport was sometime not in the correct size
• The importation of new block model or custom table crashed
• Logger: bool field was not showing any default value
• Logger: Special character was not saved correctly
• Stope optimizer small bug fixes
Nouveautés :
• First logger version inside Genesis
• First version of implicit envelope creation
Corrections :
• The fast method for block creation could miss some blocks
• Wysiwyg parameter could crash in the block model parameter tab
• The block model substraction could crash when there is calculated variable
• The Boolean operation on envelope had a random effect on the resulting triangulation
• Pit optimization can now be cancelled with escape key
• When slicing an envelope on a section, the generated prism now has the envelope tag
• Importing data without creating a project could crash